Coach with


6 Day's Challenge to Grow Your Online Coaching Business

Do You Want to Grow Your Online Coaching Business in 6 Days by Participating to a FREE Coach with Confidence Challenge?


leads to

Business Success

“Successful people are able to influence others by mastering their own life and passion based business and by showing what transformation looks like.”

Challenge Days &


6 Day's Challenge + Bonus Day:

Each day there will be a 1 hour live call where I will talk about the daily topic and I will share a daily challenge. You will have 24 hours to complete the challenge that will take your online coaching business forward. There will also be some free days in between so you will have time to catch up if you are left behind.

This means that you will be able to progress with your business just in one week! How cool is that?!! Join the challenge, participate fully, complete challenges and see where it takes you in just one week!

Day 1

Wednesday, April 19th @ 7pm CET


Getting to know your kink...

How to create a passion based business?

Are you clear what differentiates you from other coaches on the market and why do you exist? Is your why so meaningful to you that it keeps you motivated day after day? Do you know how you can create a business that is aligned with your unique gifts? Are you aware of who you can serve the best?

Day 2

Thursday, April 20th @ 7pm CET CONFIDENCE

I am the source of my pleasure...

How to be a powerful leader for your business and take action?

Do you feel confident to take action and show up, for example, on social media? Do you know how to build confidence and grow in self-love so that you can hold yourself even when it gets hard? Do you feel empowered and full of energy? Are you sure you are not the one who is standing in the way of your own success?

Day 3

Sunday, April 23rd @ 7pm CET


Perfecting my touch...

How to plan a session that leads to transformation?

Clients come to you for transformation. Do you master your coaching skills and know that you can provide transformation for them? Do you know which skills are the most important for your program? Do you trust your intuition? Do you feel that you are a masterful coach and set your prices accordingly?

Day 4

Monday, April 24th @ 7pm CET


I seduce you to play with me..

How to create a juicy offer that attracts clients?

Do you have a clear niche and fine tuned offer? Do you have a clear plan how to build your brand? Have you created unique lead magnets which are attracting more audience helping you to grow your mailing list and convert your audience into your paying clients?

Day 5

Tuesday, April 25th @ 7pm CET


Sound your pleasure...

How to reach and communicate with your potential clients?

Do you know the various ways how to reach potential clients beyond social media? Are you clear what kind of content works for your audience? Do you have a clear launch plan? Do you know the best strategy to do discovery calls with your potential clients?

Day 6

Wednesday, April 26th @ 7pm CET


I need sensual healing...

How to commit to yourself and your clients?

Are you leading your coaching business from your heart? Are you taking care of your existing clients and thinking out of the box how to offer them more? Do you know how to evaluate your success and how to take your coaching business to the next level?


Thursday 27th of April @7pm CET

Coach with Confidence Masterclass

6 C's Blueprint to Grow Your Online Coaching Business

In this 1,5 hour long masterclass we will go deeper into building an online coaching business and I will introduce my Blueprint to you.


Me as your business coach

I have a strong business background. I have an international business and marketing degree from University and I spent 11 years in three different countries creating my career in a big international corporation. In 2017 I started my journey as an entrepreneur and I started working as a coach. Since then I have done several certification courses to master the art of coaching the two longest and deepest ones being Layla Martin's Love, Sex and Relationship certification and Janet Bray Attwood's Master Trainer certification both being over one year long programs.

I have a very unique background and network. I have not only mastered coaching by studying and working with clients. I actually travelled the world for few years with my mentor who is a transformational leader. I coached clients and was coached myself by my mentor in various courses and retreats and I practiced my skills every day so that I could earn my place as a master trainer.


Be a leader for your business

Your mindset is something that can make you to reach stars or it can make you to stop after the first obstacle. I got the winning mindset already at a young age when I was a professional athlete competing in Finnish National Team. This mindset has helped me to lead my business into success. I will also help you to become a strong leader for your coaching business as if you are not leading your business - no one is.


Holistic health is a must

I am ambitious and I love success. At the same time I have learnt my lesson in a hectic business world - you are your biggest asset. You have to take care of yourself so that you can show up with your best energy every day for yourself, your business and your clients. That is why I always focus on well-being as part of my programs. I went through a total life transformation myself and did two years holistic beauty and skin nutrition certification.


Enjoy the process

Who said building business should be boring?

Building your business is hopefully a life long journey. If this journey is not enjoyable who wants to keep on doing that in the long run? I love having fun when I work and I know that feeling creative and alive does wonders. I tapped into my playful energy and created a whole framework for my Coach with Confidence program with pleasure. Life is now and not when you get to the goal.

What if I want to hear more about Coach with Confidence - 6 C's Blueprint to Online Coaching Success in 12 Weeks already now?

Book a Free Clarity Call with me as the one's signing in before the official launch will get some benefits...

In the call I will answer all your questions and share details about the course. There are limited places to join before the official launch with special price and bonuses.

Frequently Asked Question

Who is this challenge for?

This challenge is for coaches who want to grow their online coaching business and take action NOW. You might feel stuck not having clarity on what kind of brand your should build, who is your ideal client, what is your offering, how to reach clients, what works on social media, how to create lead magnets, how you should price your offers etc.

Your might lack self-confidence feeling your are not good enough and you might not be sure if your coaching skills can provide transformation for your clients.

You might be someone who is just planning on starting your coaching business or you might have run your business for several years but you are not attracting clients or making enough profit because you are missing structure and knowledge on how to grow your coaching business.

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How will the challenge work?

I will go live each day on a Zoom call and share about the daily topic.

I will share a daily challenge that will help you to take action straight away.

You have access to a Facebook community where recordings will be available for a limited time. You can also share your progress and get support in the group as well as celebrate success, share challenges, get feedback and ask questions etc.

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Will there be an opportunity to ask questions?

Yes! There will be an opportunity for some of you to ask questions on live and also be coached by me. In the Zoom chat and Facebook community you can also ask questions and I will answer either on live calls or in the community.

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What if I cannot attend to the challenge every day due to other commitments?

This is totally OK! You can proceed with the challenge at your own pace but try to be on live calls and participate as much as possible to get the most out of it.

There will also be few days off during the challenge that will leave you a good time to catch up if you were left behind. I love flexibility and I want to have that also in the challenge schedule. We do not work under pressure - we play and work with pleasure!

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How can I sign in?

Just click on the "Join FREE Challenge" button and you will receive an email with all the details. There will be a chance to win great prices so don't miss out!

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What if I want to hear about the 12 weeks Coach with Confidence course already now?

If you are ready to invest and want to jump in to my Coach with Confidence container already now before the official launch you are more than welcome! Click "Book a Clarity Call" button and schedule a call with me so we can find out if my program could serve you. There are limited places with special price and extra bonuses as I appreciate proactivity.

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Call 0045 4011 4923


Insta: @byheidimirella

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